Jaish-e-Mohammed: A Profile of Pakistan’s Proscribed Extremist Group

Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) is an extremist group based in Pakistan, founded by Masood Azhar in the early 2000s. Operating under various names like the Army of Mohammed, Khudamul Islam, and Tehrik ul-Furqaan, its primary objectives are to unite Kashmir with Pakistan and expel foreign troops from Afghanistan. Despite being outlawed by Pakistan in 2002, JEM continues its activities openly in certain parts of the country.

Since its inception, JEM has been involved in numerous terrorist attacks, including the infamous suicide bombing of the Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly building in Srinagar in October 2001, which resulted in the deaths of more than 30 people. The group has also claimed responsibility for other deadly incidents, such as the abduction and murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 and attacks on Indian police officials in Srinagar in 2006.


JEM’s activities have not been limited to India and Pakistan; its members were also involved in the 2007 Red Mosque uprising in Islamabad. However, internal disagreements led to the split of some members, notably Asmatullah Moavia, who later joined Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan.

Despite being designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US State Department in 2001, JEM continues to maintain several hundred armed supporters across Pakistan and India’s Kashmir regions. These supporters include individuals from various backgrounds, such as Pakistanis, Kashmiris, Afghans, and Arab veterans of the Afghan-Soviet war.

In recent years, there have been reports suggesting that JEM has been attempting to reconcile its differences with other extremist groups in Pakistan and has shifted its focus from Kashmir to Afghanistan. This change in focus aims to increase attacks against US and Coalition forces in the region.

It’s crucial for regional governments and international bodies to continue efforts to combat the threat posed by JEM and similar extremist organizations. Effective cooperation and coordination among nations are essential to address the complex challenges presented by such groups and ensure peace and stability in the region.